Electrostatic Disinfection

A safer, faster disinfection.

Electrostatic disinfection offers 360-degree coverage, making it ideal for all industries.

Customers seek us out to enhance efficiencies, safeguard the health of their staff and customers, and ensure expert cleaning and disinfection. What sets us apart is our commitment to exceptional communication, dedicated workforce, and stringent security measures, exceeding their expectations.

Effective against COVID-19 and other pathogens, electrostatic disinfection is the future of commercial sanitization.

The disinfectants we utilize are EPA registered and have proven efficacy against a wide range of pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi, in addition to Coronavirus, TB, C. Difficile, and biofilm. Our mission is to establish safe environments year-round, not solely during pandemics. When performed regularly, this service becomes a powerful tool in combating cold and flu viruses throughout the year.

Ready to protect yourself and others?

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Frequently Asked Questions

This will depend on the size of the area being disinfected. According to EvaClean, it takes approximately 30-45 minutes to clean and disinfect each room in a hospital. The EvaClean system can reduce cleaning and disinfecting times by 40%. It is important to follow application instructions in order to meet kill claims. The system thoroughly disinfects within minutes. After that, you are ready to use your facility.

Electrostatic disinfection does not create a protective barrier. It disinfects, or kills, unwanted pathogens from every targeted surface, but won’t protect those surfaces from becoming infected again. That being said, institutions like medical facilities, schools and gyms may require electrostatic disinfection more frequently because they are introduced to new, potentially harmful pathogens on a daily basis.

Electrostatic disinfection can be safely performed around electronics such as laptops, monitors and keyboards as long as it is not applied directly at close range. We recommend putting away paper documents, along with anything else you don’t want sprayed before the scheduled service.

The system we use has a light chlorine like smell.

Electrostatic disinfection will not harm your plants. The disinfectants we use are safe for people, animals and plants.

While your facility is safe to reenter immediately after it has been sprayed, we recommend waiting at least 10 minutes to allow the disinfectant to dry. This also allows enough time for the disinfectant to dwell on surfaces long enough to kill unwanted pathogens.

It is, however, to be safe we perform a spot test on upholstered surfaces before spraying. Some dyes can be affected by the EarthSafe disinfectants we use.

There can be a light residue. Disinfection often leaves streaks, and in this case, a light haze. If touchpoints and surfaces are being wiped down daily, which they should be, residue can be mitigated.